The CTRL + Refresh workshop with Kar is a game changer for your Instagram strategy. Kar not only provides insightful pneumonic templates, but also offers valuable analytics that guide you in making the best decisions for your business on Instagram.
Financial Advisor

Thanks Kar for the amazing CTRL+ Refresh Insta Workshop. Not only did I love the way you facilitate the session, I immediately started posting reels using your advice and my followers grew 6x in 48hrs. 
OH MY GOSH the HOP hooks are so spot on and have been a struggle for me. I cannot wait to try them out and just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so happy to be a part of your group and am loving all of it.
Dog Training Coach

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Special Offer
Add on:  30 min Private Call with Kar

Clearly defined strategy and tactics with instructions for how to grow your account organically. 

Clear and thought out ideas for your offer, pricing or to help you prepare for your launch.

Define your strategy for starting a new account.

Develop or refine a new offer to make it ready for making sales right away.

Add to cart$237.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xCTRL + Refresh Insta Workshop$97

All prices in USD